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Friends of Sha'ar LaAdam-Bab L'ilInsan

Tor zur Welt

The German non-profit organisation "Tor zur Welt...e.V." has been a partner of Sha'ar LaAdam-Bab L'ilInsan from the beginning. For many years, groups of young people associated with the Christian Community youth movement guided by Rev. Ilse Wellershoff-Schuur (Überlingen) and Rev. Johann Schuur (Frankfurt) have visited Kibbutz Harduf and Sha'ar la'Adam - Bab L’ilInsan every summer to participate in community work, meet young people from various Galilean cultures, study, and travel in the Galilee. 

The organisation was founded in 1998 after the second youth camp and aims to raise consciousness - as well as financial resources - for the importance of intercultural meetings and German-Israeli relationships, especially at Sha'ar La'Adam - Bab L’ilInsan, but more generally in the country and in Germany/Europe as well. Among the activities of the association are the annual summer camps in Israel and Germany, the volunteer year program for young Germans through the "Freunde der Erziehungskunst" in Karlsruhe, the establishment of hosting facilities connected to Sha’ar laAdam - Bab L’ilInsan,  as well as facilitating occasional trilingual theatre-projects, special internships or local projects in Germany dealing with the history of the Holocaust.

More information is available on the "Tor zur Welt...e.V." website:


Sha'ar LaAdam - Bab L'ilInsan ist ein internationales Zentrum für pädagogische , ökologische und spirituelle Aktivitäten, welches sich bemüht durch die Schaffung einer gemeinsamen jüdisch-arabischen Kultur Antworten auf die komplexe Realität zwischen der jüdischen und der arabischen Gemeinschaft in Galiläa zu geben.

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Sha'ar LaAdam – Bab L'ilInsan

Kibbutz Harduf

D.N. Hamovil 1793000


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